
May you know you are worthy

Amy Beth
Dec 24, 2022
Image by Amy Beth

Hopeful, seeking out moments of joy,
and filled with the bright light of gratitude.
May you know you are worthy of happiness.

Thoughtful, heaping kindness onto others
as an angel-on-earth citizen.
May you know you are worthy of care.

Restorative, lifting spirits,
and relieving the suffering of those who journey with you.
May you know you are worthy of healing.

Strong, bravely working to improve
the physical and mental wellness of those in need.
May you know you are worthy of health.

Learning, reading labyrinths of books
to expand your heart and mind.
May you know you are worthy of wisdom.

Forgiving, earnestly sending blessings to all
and praying for the healing of others.
May you know you are worthy of unconditional love.

- For Renae, 2022

Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash



Amy Beth
Amy Beth

Written by Amy Beth

When I wake up brave, I write.

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